Although most athletic skills and events depend upon a variety of physical qualities, speed strength (also called power) certainly rates among the most important. Whenever you need to accelerate yourself (as in running, cycling, swimming, skating, or skiing), an external object (such as a ball, a barbell, a javelin, or another person), or both (such [...]
In: Cardio |Food & Nutrition |Muscle Building |Strength Training |Weight Loss
This week I’ve got no fancy introduction. I’ve got no “journalistic hook.” You see, I recently had an “ah ha” moment that I’ve simply got to share with you. And here it is… Exercise doesn’t work. Now that might sound shocking coming from a guy with big biceps and 8% body fat; from a guy [...]
We often times hear athletes reference being “in the zone” when recalling some of their better performances on the playing field. Being “in the zone” has become a common explanation for extremely high-level performances in sports, training, and business. But what “the zone” is exactly has been hard to pinpoint. Even more elusive has been [...]
In: Food & Nutrition |Muscle Building |Strength Training |Weight Loss
The acronym “Keep it simple stupid” or “KISS”, has been used for decades by the military, business schools, medical schools, and in countless other areas where unneeded complexity should be avoided at all costs. In the military, adding complexity where it’s unnecessary to complete a mission will get people killed. Adding complexity to a business [...]