In: Muscle Building |Recovery & Healing |Strength Training |Yoga
Mike Mentzer is a former Mr. Universe who had unique theories about strength training and bodybuilding. He was an extreme proponent of “High Intensity Training,” meaning he recommended short, very intense bouts of exercise followed by lots and lots of rest. Many years ago, reading his books and articles completely transformed the way I looked [...]
Fifteen facts you probably never knew about vitamin D and sunlight exposure. (Compiled by Mike Adams, based on an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, author, The UV Advantage) Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even effects diabetes and obesity. Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world [...]
So much is happening around us, it’s no wonder many people are experiencing challenges and increased levels of stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and feelings of uncertainty. As transitions take place, this period of unclarity can be unsettling, and yet with gentle support and non-judgment, the caterpillar naturally transforms into a butterfly. Clearing stress or getting to [...]
After a hard workout, you might be dreading the soreness which will inevitably ensue over the next 24-48 hours. Your instinct could be to take the next day off from exercising altogether. Not so fast! Active recovery allows you to keep the momentum in terms of your fitness AND can potentially decrease the lactic acid [...]