[ Muscle Building ]

Do you need a cup of coffee in the morning to get yourself out of bed? Do you find yourself craving food at odd times of day? Does your energy level seem to be waning with every passing month or year? It’s time to take action! Revitalize yourself and feel more [...]

Eckhart Tolle says this on page 143 in his book The Power of Now.
The first thing to remember is this: as long as you make an identity for yourself out of the pain, you cannot become free of it. As long as part of your sense of [...]

This week I’ve got no fancy introduction. I’ve got no “journalistic hook.” You see, I recently had an “ah ha” moment that I’ve simply got to share with you. And here it is…
Exercise doesn’t work.
Now that might sound shocking coming from a guy with big biceps and 8% body fat; from a guy that recommends [...]

Mike Mentzer is a former Mr. Universe who had unique theories about strength training and bodybuilding.  He was an extreme proponent of “High Intensity Training,” meaning he recommended short, very intense bouts of exercise followed by lots and lots of rest. Many years ago, reading his books and articles completely [...]

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